Heavy Machinery
- Base Mechanicus Standard Grey
- Wash Agrax Earthshade
- Drybrush Mechanicus Standard Grey
- Drybrush highlight 50/50 Mechanicus Standard Grey Administratum Grey
- Drybrush highlight Administratum Grey
- Drybrush Karak Stone
Black Leather
- Base Abaddon Black
- Layer Corvus Black ignoring the recesses
- Chunky highlight Mechanicus Standard Grey along the major lines folds and edges
- Highlight Dawnstone on the sharpest edges sparingly
- Dot highlight Administratum Grey
Brown Leather
- Base Dryad Bark
- Layer Mournfang Brown avoiding recesses
- Highlight Gorthor Brown along edges folds and creases
- Dot highlight Karak Stone
Green Fatigues
- Base Deathworld Forest
- Wash Athonian Camoshade
- Highlight Elysian Green
- Highlight Ogryn Camo
White Fur
- Base Grey Seer
White Pennants
- Base Grey Seer
- DryBrush Pro Acrylic Bold Titanium White
- Base Mephiston Red
- Layer Blood Angels Red
- Recess shade Carroburg Crimson
- Edge highlight Wild Rider Red
Eye Lenses
- Base Pro Acryl Bold Titanium White
- Layer Blood Angels Red
- Shade Carroburg Crimson
- Dot Wild Rider Red
Armour Plate
- Base Pro Acryl Dark Silver
- Shade Nuln Oil
Spear Tip
- Base Pro Acryl Silver
Brass Details
- Base Runelord Brass
Brown Horse
Bay Horse
Brown Boot Leather
- Base Mournfang Brown
- Shade Agrax Earthshade
Skin Tone
- Base Rakarth Flesh
- Shade Reikland Fleshshade
- Layer Flayed One Flesh
Abaddon Black
Corvus Black
Deathworld Forest
Dryad Bark
Grey Seer
Mechanicus Standard Grey
Mephiston Red
Mournfang Brown
Rakarth Flesh
Runelord Brass
Agrax Earthshade
Athonian Camoshade
Carroburg Crimson
Nuln Oil
Reikland Fleshshade
Administratum Grey
Elysian Green
Flayed One Flesh
Gorthor Brown
Karak Stone
Ogryn Camo
Wild Rider Red
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