If you need someone to find the halflings, this is the recipe for you.
The iconic red skin, probably the most fun part to paint but also one of best places to experiment, it can be done using a lot of different techniques. In this recipe, Doombull Brown and Tuskgor Fur are cornerstones.
- Pick a base, a good starting point imo is 1:1 mix of Doombull Brown and Khorne Red , you could also add in a bit of Rhinox Hide for some darker skin, or if you want to skip the wash step, but if you do so, keep an undarkened base mix also for later use. If you want to be more brown than red, lower the ratio of Khorne Red .
- Wash with Druchii Violet . However, if you added some darker colors in the previous step, then you could skip this part to not make it too dark.
- Re-apply your base mix, avoiding recesses, but covering most other areas.
- Mix some Tuskgor Fur into the base mix, highlighting the raised parts of the skin. Repeat this step (making it lighter with more Tuskgor Fur ) if you want to.
- Chunky highlight with pure Tuskgor Fur
- Do fine highlight with Bugman's Glow
- Base in a dark metal such as Leadbelcher or Gunmetal Metallic
- Cover all metals in Ratling Grime , however don't make it too thick, we still want to be able to see the metal underneath.
- Highlight edges with a bright metal, such as Chrome Metallic or Ironbreaker
Dark brown coat
- Base in 2:1 mix of Dryad Bark and Abaddon Black
- Cover most areas using Dryad Bark , but avoid recesses
- Chunky highlight using 1:1 mix of Dryad Bark and Gorthor Brown
- Do a fine highlight of Gorthor Brown
Yellow inner skirt
- Base in Steel Legion Drab
- Wash using 1:1 mix of Agrax Earthshade and Lahmian Medium
- Chunky highlight with thin Tallarn Sand
- Fine highlight with Ushabti Bone
Dark leather and hair
- Base in Abaddon Black
- Chunky highlight with Skavenblight Dinge
- Edge highlight with Stormvermin Fur
Black leather belt
- Base in Abaddon Black
- Chunky highlight with Dark Reaper
- Edge highlight with Thunderhawk Blue
Hi, I'm mesbg.enjoyer, I took an almost 20 year break from the hobby, but now I'm back, stronger than ever... ππΈπͺ