I start by basing the entire model black, including the base.
- Base in Castellan Green
- Recess shade using a 1:1 mix of Castellan Green and Abaddon Black
- Glaze pure Abaddon Black in the deepest recesses
- Glaze highlight of 1:1 mix of Castellan Green and Loren Forest , remember to leave room for pure Castellan Green to show
- Glaze another highlight of pure Loren Forest inside the first highlight
- Highlight using a 1:1 mix of Loren Forest and Ogryn Camo
- Edge highlight sharpest parts using Ogryn Camo , put focus around the head
Brown leather
For a more in-depth guide, go RookieBrushes' guide here: https://paintpad.app/recipes/1734-dark-brown-leather. This covers most of the leather armor, the quiver, boots, etc.
- Base in Rhinox Hide
- Glaze Mournfang Brown on most of the area, but pull the paint towards the edges
- Chunky highlight using Skrag Brown
- Mix in Ushabti Bone with the Skrag Brown about 1:1 and do a sharp edge highlight
Chest leather stripes
These are stripes in the chest armor, to the right and left of the white tree.
- Base in Gorthor Brown
- Highlight with Baneblade Brown
Dark brown leather straps & wood
These are the straps going from the quiver, across the chest. I also use the same recipe for wood (for the bow).
- Base in Dryad Bark :
- Chunky highlight using Gorthor Brown
- Highlight using Baneblade Brown
Black leather
- Base in Abaddon Black
- Chunky highlight using Dark Reaper
- Fine highlight using Thunderhawk Blue
- Dot highlight spots with Russ Grey
White tree of Gondor
- Base in Celestra Grey
- Highlight using Ulthuan Grey
Caucasian skin
I don't currently use this method for caucasian skin, but I'm pretty sure this is how it was done (I painted the face long before I painted the rest!)
- Base in Bugman's Glow
- Highlight most of the face with Cadian Fleshtone
- Wash with Reikland Fleshshade
- Go back and apply Cadian Fleshtone , but to a smaller area of the face
- Fine highlight with Kislev Flesh
- For eyes: Paint a line of Rhinox Hide in the eyes, then do a tiny dot of White Scar on each side of the line
Red-ish hair and beard
- Base in Tau Light Ochre
- Wash with Agrax Earthshade and then Reikland Fleshshade , waiting for it to fully dry in between washes
- Highlight using Tau Light Ochre
- Base in a dark metal, such as Leadbelcher , I used Gunmetal Metallic
- Wash with Nuln Oil
- Highlight with Ironbreaker
- Base in Retributor Armour
- Wash with Reikland Fleshshade
- Add a silver to the Retributor Armour , such as Stormhost Silver , personally I used Chrome Metallic .
Bonus: Basing - Ground
- Base in Rhinox Hide
- Drybrush Mournfang Brown
- Light drybrush Baneblade Brown
- Rim: Steel Legion Drab
Bonus: Basing - Ruins
- Base in Baneblade Brown
- Drybrush Karak Stone
- Light drybrush Pallid Wych Flesh
Hi, I'm mesbg.enjoyer, I took an almost 20 year break from the hobby, but now I'm back, stronger than ever... ππΈπͺ