Untamed Beasts


Untamed Beasts

  • Written by
  • Published
    27 Dec 2019
  • Updated
    04 Feb 2025
  • Shareable URL

Simple Untamed Beasts from Warcry. @DoxDos

  1. Black primer and white Zenital Highlight


5 step wetblend with Tanned Flesh , Barbarian Flesh , Mummy Robes , with 50/50 between steps.

  1. Base: Tanned Flesh
  2. 80% cover: 50/50 Tanned Flesh & Barbarian Flesh
  3. 50% cover: Barbarian Flesh
  4. 20% cover: Barbarian Flesh & Mummy Robes
  5. Top highlights: Mummy Robes

Cape / Skirts

Wetblend with Dragon Red , Monster Brown & Oak Brown . Start at the top/highest point of the cloth with the Dragon Red and on the bottom with Oak Brown to confer the idea of mud accumulating on the bottom.

  1. Top 30%-40%: Dragon Red
  2. Middle 30%-20%: Monster Brown
  3. Bottom 30%-40%: Oak Brown


Another wetblend, now with the intention of showing not only shading, but the idea that walking over steppes and a lot of sun degrades the colors on top. So for this I used Monster Brown , Fur Brown & Oak Brown in 3 steps wetblending with a loaded brush.

  1. Top parts: Monster Brown
  2. Middle parts: Fur Brown
  3. Lower parts: Oak Brown


  1. Wraithbone base
  2. Soft Tone shade

Weapon Teeth and other tooth-like items

  1. Rakarth Flesh base
  2. Agrax Earthshade shade
  3. Agrax Earthshade 2nd shade on the tips

Straps around the chest & belt buckle holder

  1. Gore-grunta Fur

Leather wraps, leather accents & weapon grips

  1. Snakebite Leather


  1. Burnt Iron base.
  2. Duraluminum highlights.
  3. Wraithbone base for the horns.
  4. Agrax Earthshade 1st pass on the whole length of the horns.
  5. Agrax Earthshade 2nd pass only 50% from tip to middle.
  6. Agrax Earthshade 3rd pass just the tip and around 25% of the horn.



Artist wannabe. I decided I wanted to pursue a creative life and this is my process to get there. Just my artistic life evolution. Follow my progress.

Citadel Painting System 5
Base 2
  • Rakarth Flesh
  • Wraithbone
Shade 1
  • Agrax Earthshade
Contrast 2
  • Gore-grunta Fur
  • Snakebite Leather
The Army Painter Warpaints 8
Acrylic 7
  • Barbarian Flesh
  • Dragon Red
  • Fur Brown
  • Monster Brown
  • Mummy Robes
  • Oak Brown
  • Tanned Flesh
Wash 1
  • Soft Tone
Vallejo Metal Color
Base 2
  • 77.702 Duraluminum
  • 77.721 Burnt Iron
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