- Prime the model with black spray primer
- Base coat all armor with Abaddon Black
- Mix Rakarth Flesh and Mephiston Red together to get a de-saturated pink color. Use this to paint and tentacles and tongues.
- Base coat armor trim, power pack details, chain mail, tubing, swords, etc... with Leadbelcher
- Base coat any trinkets, small ornaments, and nurglite symbols with Balthasar Gold
- Base coat any light firearms with Mephiston Red , if they are heavier, paint them with Leadbelcher and then lightly dry brush them with Balthasar Gold to create a faded bronze look
- Base coat any bone and teeth with Flayed One Flesh
- Base coat any exposed flesh with Rakarth Flesh
- Base coat any plasma coils and lenses with Warboss Green
- Shade the Leadbelcher areas with Nuln Oil
- Shade the rest of the model with Agrax Earthshade Gloss
- Retouch areas with original base colors as needed
- Edge highlight all black armor areas with Warboss Green
- Add Blood For The Blood God to the teeth, bones, and melee weapons as needed
- Finally, coat whole model in Satin Varnish