Apply an all over covering of Abaddon Black . Water the paint down to thin it as this is just to create a uniform colour across the model. This will make it easier to touch up any of the black areas if needed. At this point also touch up any areas that were missed with the spray.
Highlight raised edges with Dark Reaper
Use a thinner line to highlight with Fenrisian Grey
Under Armour Suit
Basecoat Abaddon Black
Highlight 1 Eshin Grey
Highlight 2 Dawnstone
Gold Armour Trim
Basecoat Retributor Armour
All over wash with Reikland Fleshshade
Drybrush/highlight Stormhost Silver
Sigmarite Steel
Basecoat Leadbelcher
All over wash with Nuln Oil
Drybrush/Highlight Stormhost Silver
Red Robes
Basecoat Khorne Red
Shade all over with Druchii Violet . Add second layer in deeper recesses
Reapply Khorne Red to the raised surfaces
Highlight along the most prominent edges of the robe using Evil Sunz Scarlet
Spot highlight corners using Fire Dragon Bright
Inner Robe
Basecoat Ratskin Flesh
Wash with 5:1 mix Lahmian Medium and Skrag Brown
Wash with 5:1 mix Lahmian Medium and Doombull Brown in the deepest recesses
Touch up using Ratskin Flesh
Shade up using progressive layers of Ratskin Flesh mixed with Ushabti Bone gradually adding more Ushabti Bone to the mix.
Highlight along the most prominent edges of the robe using Screaming Skull
Spot highlight corners using Pallid Wych Flesh
Basecoat Rakarth Flesh
Second basecoat Ushabti Bone
Wash all over with Seraphim Sepia
Reapply Ushabti Bone to the raised surfaces
Spot highlight edges and corners using Pallid Wych Flesh
Helmet Plume
Basecoat Screamer Pink
Shade all over with Druchii Violet
Highlight Pink Horror
Spot highlight highest edges and points Emperor's Children
Weapon Hilts
Basecoat Screamer Pink
Shade all over with Carroburg Crimson
Highlight Pink Horror
Spot highlight highest edges and points Emperor's Children