SBGL - Red cloth

SBGL - Red cloth

  1. Glaze Khorne Red onto the lower half of the black cloth
  2. Glaze Evil Sunz Scarlet onto the lower quarter of the cloth and start an edge highlight
  3. Mix Cadian Fleshtone and Evil Sunz Scarlet in a 1:4 ratio and a touch of Yriel Yellow glaze onto the bottom edge and continue to edge highlight
  4. Add some Pallid Wych Flesh to the previous mix and edge highlight and add thin scratches to the cloth
  5. Glaze in Abaddon Black to smooth the red to black transition
  6. Glaze the entire cloth section with diluted red ink
Citadel Painting System 6
Base 2
  • Abaddon Black
  • Khorne Red
Layer 4
  • Cadian Fleshtone
  • Evil Sunz Scarlet
  • Pallid Wych Flesh
  • Yriel Yellow
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