Painting guide for the Night World armour variant used by the Howling Griffons Space Marine chapter.
- Prime the miniature with a grey primer like Grey (or standard grey automotive primer).
Base Coat
- Base coat the marine's armour with Black Templar , avoiding the main areas of the shoulder pauldrons, but including the trim.
- Undercoat the main areas of the pauldrons, the face of any tilt shield and, if the marine is a sergeant or veteran character, the helmet, including the eye lenses, with Corax White .
- Undercoat the weapon cases with Khorne Red .
- Paint the chest aquila with Rakarth Flesh .
- Paint the pauldron trim and any metallic areas on the weaponry and backpack with Leadbelcher .
Howling Griffon Quartered Livery
- Using a quartered pattern, paint the top left and bottom right of the marines pauldrons and (if present) tilt shield with Averland Sunset , then paint the top right and bottom left areas with Mephiston Red
Highlights and Detail
- Recess shade the undersuit and deep areas of the armour along with any metallics using Nuln Oil .
- Using Agrax Earthshade , wash the quartered patterns on the shoulder pads, the weapon cases & the chest aquila.
- Use thinned Averland Sunset & Mephiston Red to restore some of the brightness to the quartered patterns. This can be pushed further with Yriel Yellow and Evil Sunz Scarlet , if required.
- If the helmet has been painted white, shade it with Soulblight Grey , then use Corax White to restore the general colour and White Scar to highlight.
- Paint the eye lenses and (if present) any plasma coils with Aethermatic Blue .
- Apply Stormhost Silver to the upper portions of any silver metallics.
- Edge highlight the weapon casing with Mephiston Red . Apply spot highlights of Evil Sunz Scarlet if required.
- Highlight the upper areas of any silver areas of the weaponry with Stormhost Silver .
Greebles & Fancy Bits
- Paint the wax of purity seals with Screamer Pink and any ribbon adornments with Rakarth Flesh . Wash all with Agrax Earthshade and an edge highlight the wax with Pink Horror .
- Paint any metallic greebles with Leadbelcher , Retributor Armour or Runelord Brass , as required. Wash with Nuln Oil , Reikland Fleshshade or Cryptek Armourshade Gloss respectively.
- Base as required. The example mini uses Mechanicus Standard Grey , Nuln Oil and a very light drybrush of Ushabti Bone over a layer of Astrogranite .