Astra Militarum urban base

  • Written by
  • Published
    03 May 2023
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  1. PVA glue on the base, thin coat
  2. Add playing sand (this is a thin variant of sand, with very small grains)
  3. Create some holes with a toothpick, to simulate road damage
  4. Wait to dry, remove excess sand with a gentle brush, then mix up PVA glue with water (50/50) and soak the sand with it.
  5. Two thin coats of Necromancer Cloak with an old brush
  6. Add masking tape as you wish
  7. With an old dry brush or really of brush use Moon Dust on unmasked parts by dabbing paint on it.
  8. Remove masking tape and fix the Moon Dust paint with Necromancer Cloak and also damage the markings
  9. Dry brush with Dungeon Grey
  10. Use Monster Brown as a glazing to simulate dirt
  11. Use Dragon Red with a splatter technique to simulate dry blood
  12. Use transparent UV resin mixed with either Dark Tone or Strong Tone to simulate oil spills, murky water and so on.
The Army Painter Warpaints 7
Acrylic 5
  • Dragon Red
  • Dungeon Grey
  • Monster Brown
  • Moon Dust
  • Necromancer Cloak
Wash 2
  • Dark Tone
  • Strong Tone
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