

  • Written by
  • Published
    08 Feb 2020
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A small crater for your wargames

  1. 3D print a crater from thingiverse.
    I use my own design, found here:
  2. Add PVA glue or mod podge on all the surface. Spread fine sand (I use play sand from my kid's sandbox) on the rim, and then construction sand (without the bigger rocks) everywhere else.
  3. When the PVA is dry, seal the sand with a mix of PVA and water (50/50) all over it.
  4. Base paint with an ochre (I use Amsterdam standard series Natural Sienna)
  5. Wash with some dark brown paint. I use Amsterdam standard Brown Van Dyke mixed about 50% with water. Add more wash to the center of the crater.
  6. Dry brush with Amsterdam Natural Sienna, and then Amsterdam Yellow Ochre (without cleaning the brush).
  7. Then, with Pebeo Bright Yellow, only dry brush lightly parts of the crater where light hit the crater (this would be outer rim on one side, and inner rim on the opposite side).
  8. Locate the smaller rocks and paint it with Dungeon Grey very thinned down.
  9. Reapply the same Pebeo Bright Light Yellow dry brush to the rocks.