Base Armor
Base and layers: Wraithbone Screaming Skull Castellan Green Leadbelcher Balthasar Gold Corvus Black Dryad Bark Kislev Flesh
Shades and contrasts: Agrax Earthshade Guilliman Flesh Magos Purple Contrast Medium Carroburg Crimson
Highlights: Loren Forest Flayed One Flesh Sycorax Bronze Stormhost Silver Eshin Grey Gorthor Brown White
- Follow Duncan's awesome tutorial (
- Additionally wash all white armor with 50% Seraphim Sepia and Contrast Medium mix to darken it down
Daemon shoulder pads
- Base with Castellan Green
- Shade with Agrax Earthshade
- Broad highlight with Loren Forest
- Closer to face, highlight with Elysian Green
- Point highlight with Nurgling Green in center of face
Bile or slime drops
- Base with Black
- Base with Castellan Green leaving out recesses
- Highlight with Loren Forest
- Highlight further with 50% Ogryn Camo Yriel Yellow mix
Insect eyes
- Layer with Flash Gitz Yellow
- Shade with Athonian Camoshade
- Repeat shade with Athonian Camoshade
- Base with Zandri Dust
- Wash with Agrax Earthshade
- Highlight with Ushabti Bone
- Further highlight facial features with Screaming Skull
Shrink heads
Based on B&B (
- Base skin with Rakarth Flesh , wounds with Mephiston Red , boils with Averland Sunset
- Wash skin and boils with Seraphim Sepia , wounds with Carroburg Crimson
- Brighten up skin with Rakarth Flesh
- Paint the sewed up pieces Corvus Black or Leadbelcher
Plasma glow
There are two approaches to building a plasma gradient: i) from light to dark and ii) from dark to light. I chose i) as it conveys the idea of the coil cooling the more it is exposed to cold air. For this purpose, we start with a bright yellow close to the casing and center of the coil and work our way to darker colors to the middle/top of the coil.
- Base plasma coil with Yriel Yellow
- Dry brush larger oval area with Fire Dragon Bright
- Dry brush slightly smaller oval area with Troll Slayer Orange
- Over-dry brush with Troll Slayer Orange onto the casing for a small OSL effect.
- Dry brush even smaller oval area with Mephiston Red
Cloth and capes
- Base with Screamer Pink
- Wash with Basilicanum Grey
- Highlight with Screamer Pink
Daemon mouths
- Based on a great tutorial from B&B (
- Paint flesh as above with Kislev Flesh , inside of mouths with Mephiston Red
- Wash flesh with 50% Guilliman Flesh Contrast Medium mix, wash mouth with Druchii Violet
- Layer teeth with Rakarth Flesh
- Wash teeth with Seraphim Sepia 2x, (one layer all over, the second to darken the base of the tooth)
- Broad highlight of teeth with Rakarth Flesh
- Treat tongues like tentacles above (see Base Armor) and fade from Guilliman Flesh to Magos Purple mix to the tip of the tongues.
Fly wings
- Layer with Lothern Blue
- Edge highlight top of wing with Baharroth Blue :
- Edge highlight bottom of wing with Teclis Blue
- Base with Celestra Grey , wash with Nihilakh Oxide
- Heavy drybrush with Ulthuan Grey , then manually strengthen some of the ridges. Highlight sharpest edges and tips with White
Marsian/red planet desert builds a good contrast against the models base colors and the brown elements tie the mini together. The steps below are based off of another great tutorial from Duncan (
- Glue rocks onto base
- Layer with Doombull Brown
- Thinner initial layer with Martian Ironearth , then thicker layers where earth needs to break with thickest blobs of paint randomly on the base. Leave out rocks.
- Wash with Reikland Fleshshade
- Dry brush ground with Tuskgor Fur
- Dry brush rocks and sharp objects with Karak Stone
- Add grass and painted skulls (see above)
- Base with Zandri Dust
- Wash completely with Seraphim Sepia
- Glaze outer 50% with Agrax Earthshade
- Additionally, glaze outer 25% with Agrax Earthshade again