Inspired by:
- Base with Mephiston Red
- Layer nails, horns, leather braces and spine hair with Black or Abaddon Black
- Layer all gold emblems and brandings with Auric Armour Gold
- Wash with Nuln Oil
- Re-establish areas with Mephiston Red , leaving out recesses
- Shade the back and leg scales again with Nuln Oil to darken them further
- Add a broader highlight of the red skin areas with Evil Sunz Scarlet
- Add a smaller highlight of the skin areas with Wild Rider Red
- Lightly drybrush the face with Troll Slayer Orange
- Highlight the spinal and horned black areas with Mechanicus Standard Grey
- Highlight gold parts (either manual edge hl or drybrush) with Liberator Gold
- Paint the eyes with Screaming Skull , the teeth with Pallid Wych Flesh and the tongue with Xereus Purple , then wash with Nuln Oil .
- Flame swords (acc. to Grant): Layer the sword blades with Black . At 20% length from the hilt to the tip, apply a glace of heavily watering down Mephiston Red (water:paint 1:3). Repeat this step starting at 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70% and 80% with Evil Sunz Scarlet , Wild Rider Red , Troll Slayer Orange , Fire Dragon Bright , Yriel Yellow and Flash Gitz Yellow , respectively. Edge highlight the tip with White .
- Spray with Leadbelcher and block in all armor panels with Khorne Red and all trim with Auric Armour Gold
- Wash with Nuln Oil
- Drybrush all metal areas with Stormhost Silver and all gold trim with Liberator Gold .
- Re-establish the Khorne Red areas, leaving out recesses, then edge highlight all armour panels and scratches with Mephiston Red
- Paint the eyes Mephiston Red and a smaller lense of Troll Slayer Orange