Based on Duncan's brilliant tutorial:
- Skin: Base with Death Guard Green , Wash with Biel-Tan Green . Repeat wash with Biel-Tan Green for darker areas and fade with washed-out brush into the surroundings. Drybrush skin with Elysian Green . Light drybrush raised areas with Nurgling Green . Edge highlight face and raised edges with Ushabti Bone .
- Guts: Block in all flayed flesh, muscle and guts with Screamer Pink and wash with Druchii Violet . Sparsely highlight these areas with Pink Horror and further highlight the sharpest areas with Kislev Flesh .
- Horns: Block in the horns with Zandri Dust and shade with Seraphim Sepia . Drybrush Rhinox Hide from the tip to the lower third and build a gradient (Fully brown towards the tip). Repeat this by drybrushing Corvus Black on the top third.
- Bones: Base with Zandri Dust , shade with Seraphim Sepia , highlight with Ushabti Bone , further highlight with Screaming Skull
- Shrink heads: Base skin with Rakarth Flesh , wounds with Mephiston Red , boils with Averland Sunset , hair with Dryad Bark . Wash skin and boils with Seraphim Sepia , wounds with Carroburg Crimson and hair with Agrax Earthshade . Highlight skin with Pallid Wych Flesh and hair with Mournfang Brown , then Gorthor Brown .
- Nails: Skavenblight Dinge , shade Agrax Earthshade , highlight Baneblade Brown , then Ushabti Bone .
- Weapons: Base Black , dry brush with Dark Reaper , light dry brush peaks and edges with Fenrisian Grey .
- Boils Averland Sunset and without painting into the shaded recesses. Then shade the boils and eyes with Reikland Fleshshade (optional: highlight regions with strongly watered down Ushabti Bone glazing)
- Eyes: Screaming Skull , shade with Nuln Oil
- Teeth: Those in the mouth, paint Pallid Wych Flesh (optional: shade with Nuln Oil ). Belly teeth: Base with Rakarth Flesh , shade with Seraphim Sepia , highlight with Rakarth Flesh , highlight further with Pallid Wych Flesh .
- Tongues: Paint with Xereus Purple , shade with Nuln Oil or Druchii Violet