The aim with this project is to get a decent result, without this army taking an eternity. As such, I will be painting in a pretty different style.
The majority of the model will be covered in the first section, with more attention placed on faces, weapons and other points of interest later. I hope you like how they look.
Uniforms and Equipment
- Basecoat the Uniforms and khaki helmets with Khaki Grey . I made establishing this basecoat easier, by priming my models with Zandri Dust initially.
- Pick out edges by drybrushing the uniform with Ushabti Bone .
- Paint the puttees (leg wrappings) with a 1:1 mix of Karak Stone and Ushabti Bone .
- Paint the straps across the chest with Deathworld Forest .
- Paint the helmets and green hats with Castellan Green .
- Paint pouches with Mournfang Brown .
- Pick out netting on green helmets with Zandri Dust .
- Paint boots with Steel Legion Drab .
- Pick out canteens with Dryad Bark .
Wash everything with your brown wash of choice. I used a Winton 'Burnt Umber' oil wash, but use whatever you prefer. As I used an oil wash, I wiped down exposed areas with a cotton bud, once the paint was dry. I then went in with a little white spirit and cleaned up very exposed round areas, like knees and shoulders a little more.
Now for the highlights...
- Edge highlight folds selectively with Screaming Skull .
- Highlight the puttees with fine lines of Ivory .
- Highlight the straps across the chest with Nurgling Green .
- Lightly drybrush a highlight onto the top of the helmet with Straken Green and edge highlight the rim.
- Now take Krieg Khaki and selectively highlight the top and rim, to further emulate the light hitting.
- Edge highlight the pouches with Tau Light Ochre , then mix in some Wraithbone and add smaller, more selective highlights.
- Highlight the netting with Ushabti Bone , then finish with a few specular highlights of Screaming Skull .
- Selectively edge highlight the boots with Ushabti Bone .
- Basecoat the wood with Mournfang Brown .
- Basecoat the metal with 1:1 Leadbelcher and Black .
- Shade the wood with thin Rhinox Hide or Agrax Earthshade .
- Now edge highlight with XV-88 .
- Mix a little Wraithbone into your XV-88 and add smaller, more selective highlights.
- Selectively highlight the metal with Leadbelcher .
- Use Leadbelcher to basecoat any bayonets.
- Basecoat the hilts with Retributor Armour .
- Wash the blases toward the hilts with Nuln Oil .
- Highlight the gold with Retributor Armour , lightened with Silver RLM01 Metallic .
- Run a quick line of Silver RLM01 Metallic along the blades.
- Basecoat with Kislev Flesh .
- Wash with 2:1 Reikland Fleshshade and Contrast Medium .
- Highlight with Flayed One Flesh .
- Add specular highlights of Pallid Wych Flesh on the tip of the nose and select areas.
Black Hair
- Basecoat with Black .
- Glaze highlight raised areas with Stegadon Scale Green .
- Add specular highlights of Fenrisian Grey .
For the bases, I followed the "Jungle Bases" method you can find on my profile.
Aspiring miniature painter and biscuit enthusiast. Here to share my hobby and help where I can.