Homebrew regiment - 88th Lambdan Cobras - based on 55th Kappic Eagles & 34th Psian Vipers colours. Main colours are blue-green and red-orange (copper).
Primed in either Chaos Black or Grey Seer . Doesn't seem to make a difference.
Blacks (boots, gloves, boxes on backpack, power cables)
Basecoat with Abaddon Black
Highlight with Eshin Grey
Leather straps (leg and arms pads, on backpack) and boot coverings
Basecoat with Dryad Bark
Wash with Agrax Earthshade
Highlight with Gorthor Brown
Cloth and clothing (uniforms, bedrolls, rifle covers)
Basecoat with Mechanicus Standard Grey
Wash with Nuln Oil
Highlight with Dawnstone
Basecoat with Leadbelcher
Wash with Nuln Oil
Highlight with Stormhost Silver
Armour plates
Basecoat with Stegadon Scale Green
Layer over with Sotek Green
Recess shade with Coelia Greenshade
Highlight with Temple Guard Blue
Metal trim and decorative bits (skulls)
Basecoat with Screaming Bell
Layer with Hashut Copper
Wash with Reikland Fleshshade
Highlight with Sycorax Bronze
Weapon casings, special equipment
Basecoat with Incubi Darkness
Recess shade with Coelia Greenshade
Highlight with Kabalite Green
Screens on forearms
Basecoat with Caliban Green
Paint broad L of front and lateral sides of screen with Warpstone Glow
Layer a shorter, thinner L with Moot Green
Tiny dot of White Scar in opposite corner (back and medial)
Layer eyes and monoscope lens with Stormhost Silver
Layer over with Waystone Green
Medic Kit
White front face of Ulthuan Grey on Celestra Grey . Red helix of Mephiston Red with Wazdakka Red . The rest is in the same blue-green as the armour
Standard (based on box art)
Same blue-green as armour for the blue background but with wash instead of recess shading for the fabric frill bits on the end
White circles and stripes are Celestra Grey to Ulthuan Grey with White Scar highlights and Soulblight Grey recess shading
Dark red for the red parts using Gal Vorbak Red with Nuln Oil (wash on flagpole part, recess shading on the flag faces) and Wazdakka Red highlights
Instead of gold parts, using "copper" as if it were on a real flag (i.e. not metallic): Skrag Brown base, recess shading of Reikland Fleshshade , and highlights of about 1.5:1 mix of Skrag Brown : Kislev Flesh
Scrollwork done with Rakarth Flesh , a wash of Agrax Earthshade , layered with Pallid Wych Flesh and White Scar highlights. The text is Abaddon Black with Eshin Grey highlights
Central skull is Zandri Dust to Karak Stone with Screaming Skull highlights
Meltagun muzzle
Basecoat of Warplock Bronze
Layer with Brass Scorpion
Shade with Agrax Earthshade
Highlights with Runelord Brass
Multiple layers of (front to back): Nuln Oil , Drakenhof Nightshade , Druchii Violet , Seraphim Sepia for muzzle burn effect
Plasma glow
Basecoat coils with White Scar
Glaze coils with 1:1 mix of White Scar : Baharroth Blue
Glaze most of coils, going not as far down, with multiple coats of Baharroth Blue
Glaze as before, stopping higher up, with multiple coats of Ahriman Blue
Glaze as before, mostly the top now, with multiple coats of Stegadon Scale Green
Glaze multiple coats of Stegadon Scale Green on weapon casing ~1mm around
Edge highlight around coils with Ahriman Blue
Fine edge highlight with Baharroth Blue
Recess shade bottom of coils where they meet the weapon casing with White Scar heavily thinned with Lahmian Medium
Add thin layer of Agrellan Badland
Wash with Casandora Yellow
Drybrush highlights with Tyrant Skull
Paint rim with Abaddon Black
Surface Finish
Varnish everything with 1:1 to 1:2 mix of Contrast Medium : Ultra Matte Varnish
Varnish metallic parts, lenses, screens, plasma glow with 3:1 mix of Glossy Varnish : Ultra Matte Varnish