Blooded Kill Team traitor guard from a corrupted Cadian force
Prime with grey or neutral colour
Uniforms and bone/skulls/horns with Zandri Dust
Boots, gloves, and tubing with Corvus Black
Armour with Castellan Green (bandanas with a 50/50 mix using Straken Green )
Belts, leather, wooden shafts with Dryad Bark
Wraps, bandages and inside of fur with Corax White
Cloaks, rags, bags, fur with Mechanicus Standard Grey
Camo cloak: add sharp-angled shapes of Corvus Black and Dawnstone together
Weapons with Caliban Green
Metals with Leadbelcher
Gold bits with Retributor Armour
Skin with Rakarth Flesh
Weapon handles and chaos symbol on shield with Khorne Red
Commissar's coat with Abaddon Black and Khorne Red
Ogryn claw with Mephiston Red , wet-blending into arm with Rakarth Flesh and Abaddon Black ("teeth")
Paint in shadowed eyes with Rhinox Hide
Texture paste base with Agrellan Badland
Wash skin with Reikland Fleshshade
Weapon casings and bone with Nuln Oil
Insides of fur with thin layers of Carroburg Crimson
Scars and skin growths with thinned Carroburg Crimson
Ogryn claw: wash with Druchii Violet to Carroburg Crimson front to back, blending at transition. Feather Carroburg Crimson from the claw to arm.
Everything else with Agrax Earthshade (thinned 50/50 for bandages and wraps)
Redo everything but weapon casings, and whites with original basecoats, avoid recesses
Uniforms and bone with Karak Stone
Boots, gloves, and tubing, and ogryn claw "teeth" with Mechanicus Standard Grey
Armour with Straken Green (bandanas with Ogryn Camo )
Leather and wood with Gorthor Brown
Wraps and bandages with Corax White
Cloaks, rags, and fur with Dawnstone
Weapons with Warpstone Glow
Metals with Stormhost Silver
Golds with Auric Armour Gold
Skin with Pallid Wych Flesh
Commissar cloak with Eshin Grey and Evil Sunz Scarlet
Ogryn claw and weapon handles and chaos symbol on shield with Evil Sunz Scarlet
Drybrush base with Tyrant Skull
Glowing chaos symbols: Base with Corax White , layer over Fire Dragon Bright , layer further out with Troll Slayer Orange , rough outline with thinned Jokaero Orange
Power weapons finished off with Talassar Blue thinned 1:2 with Contrast Medium
Lenses: Stormhost Silver , then Soulstone Blue
Flamer muzzle: Warplock Bronze , wash Agrax Earthshade , :layer Brass Scorpion , Runelord Brass . Multiple layers of Nuln Oil , Drakenhof Nightshade , Druchii Violet , Seraphim Sepia front to back for burn effect
Plasma glow: Basecoat coils with White Scar , Glaze coils with 1:1 mix of White Scar : Baharroth Blue , then not as far with Baharroth Blue , then even higher up with Ahriman Blue , and finally Stegadon Scale Green .
Plasma glow continued: Glaze multiple coats of Stegadon Scale Green on weapon casing ~1mm around, edge highlight around coils with Ahriman Blue , fine edge highlight with Baharroth Blue , and finally recess shade bottom of coils where they meet the weapon casing with White Scar heavily thinned with Lahmian Medium
Rim painted with Abaddon Black
Surface Finish
Varnish everything with 3:1 (varnish losing potency) mix of Contrast Medium : Ultra Matte Varnish
Varnish lenses and power weapons with 3:1 mix of Glossy Varnish : Ultra Matte Varnish