Dark metallic on the trims of armor

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  • Published
    30 Aug 2021
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A recipe from Dreamburger on the Grim Dark Discord

  1. Base coat is Steel over black primer
  2. Coat Ammo by Mig Streaking Grime (AMIG1203); An airbrush can be used but it's optional
    Allow 15 min. to dry and remove with mineral spirit.
    Side note, I use an old stiff brush rather than Q-tips
  3. To darken it and give it this grey-ish machine feel wash it with Abteilung 502 Starship Filth
    Allow 15 min. to dry and remove with mineral spirit
    Again, rather than going in with a Q-tip, simply load a brush (in good shape this time) with mineral spirit and move the oil around
  4. Highlights were made using AK Interactive True Metal Dark Aluminium but any standard metallic color will look just as good for edge highlighting
  5. Use Rust Streaks around the rivets