Wooden Crate - Transparent Brown

Wooden Crate - Transparent Brown

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  • Published
    08 Aug 2020
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  1. Prime the entire model with Black in thin layers
  2. Base Coat the entire model with Dark Umber in several thin layers (done with the airbrush)
  3. Layer the wooden planks with Light Umber but leaving the underside and edges showing the base coat
  4. Layer the wooden planks with Golden Brown but leaving the Light Umber showing in areas
  5. Using Transparent Brown mixed with a brush load of water, paint the entire model like a wash but not leaving any pools of paint behind. This step can be done several times to darken the wood as desired
  6. Varnish the model with Polyurethane Matt Varnish and leave to dry
Monument Creature Caster Pro Acryl 4
Base 3
  • 017 Golden Brown
  • 018 Light Umber
  • 019 Dark Umber
Transparent 1
  • 052 Transparent Brown
Vallejo Auxiliaries
Base 1
  • 26.651 Polyurethane Matt Varnish
Vallejo Surface Primer
Base 1
  • 70.602 Black
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