Black Armour (Salamanders)


Black Armour (Salamanders)

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  • Published
    25 Mar 2022
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This is just here so I can remember how I painted the black sections of my Salamanders' armour. The photos aren't particularly helpful, I'm afraid as they're all quite dark!

UPDATE: I've replaced Dawnstone with Graphite from Scale 75; very similar colour, but not as chalky which makes glazing the volumes easier.

A slightly tweaked version of this recipe can be found in my Salamanders tutorial here:

  1. Basecoat the black armour with Heavy Charcoal
  2. Highlight the volumes with glazes of Eclipse Grey
  3. Add an equal amount of Graphite to the Eclipse Grey and add a further layer
  4. Add another highlight with 2:1 Graphite : Eclipse Grey
  5. Add an edge highlight with Graphite
  6. Add a second edge highlight with a 1:1 mix of Graphite : Ulthuan Grey , covering less of the area and focusing on the most prominent edges
  7. Using Black Templar (or Nuln Oil ), glaze over the areas to smooth the transitions between the grey highlights, and to glaze in the shaded areas. If you water down the contrast paint with water instead of any medium, it works much better as a glaze.
  8. Using Black Templar add a recess shade
  9. Optional: I like to try and liven up black armour by adding a gentle reflected colour in the areas facing the ground. In this case I glazed Arbuckles Brown onto the downwards facing areas for a warm shadow. For a cold shadow try a dark intense blue
Citadel Painting System 3
Shade 1
  • Nuln Oil
Layer 1
  • Ulthuan Grey
Contrast 1
  • Black Templar
Scale75 Scalecolor 3
Scalecolor 2
  • SC-03 Graphite
  • SC-16 Eclipse Grey
Fantasy & Games 1
  • SFG-34 Arbuckles Brown
Vallejo Game Color
Extra opaque 1
  • 72.155 Heavy Charcoal
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