Orange/Rusty Desert Bases


Orange/Rusty Desert Bases

  • Written by
  • Published
    25 Mar 2022
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This recipe is mainly here as a reminder to myself; it uses several paint ranges to achieve an effect I'm sure you can manage more simply! I chose the red-orange desert scheme to complement the warm green tones of Salamanders Space Marines.

Update: I've since moved to a slightly less lurid colour scheme for these bases, as they can end up overwhelming the model! You can find it here in my Salamanders tutorial:

  1. After priming, basecoat the entire base with Kalahari Orange (apologies, forgot to take a photo of this step, but I'm sure you'll manage!)
  2. Apply a heavy drybrush of Ryza Rust or similar bright orange
  3. Apply a lighter drybrush of Sunny Skin Tone , focusing on the higher areas
  4. Add some shadows around larger bumps and in recesses with Agrax Earthshade or any brown wash
  5. Wash the entire base with a 1:1 mix of Fuegan Orange and Orange to bring the previous steps together and intensify the orange colour
  6. With a battered old brush, apply some spots of orange pigment randomly around the base. (I use cheap pastels I've scraped with a knife to make my own basing pigments.)
  7. Finally, to make Miniac happy, paint the base rim with Black . I like the Scale 75 for this as it has a very matte finish.
Citadel Painting System 3
Shade 2
  • Agrax Earthshade
  • Fuegan Orange
Dry 1
  • Ryza Rust
Scale75 Scalecolor
Scalecolor 2
  • SC-00 Black
  • SC-14 Kalahari Orange
Vallejo Model Color
Base 1
  • 70.845 Sunny Skin Tone
Ink 1
  • Orange
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