Dire Wolves

  • Written by
  • Published
    28 Oct 2022
  • Updated
    04 Feb 2025
  • Shareable URL


  1. Base coat the wolves in white.
  2. Starting at the top of the wolf and working down in roughly quarters, stiple a basecoat onto the wolf using progressively lighter layers.
  3. For the first layer, use Bloodfest Crimson with a bit of Fenrisian Grey mixed in, stipling the top of the wolf. On the mane and tail, you can stiple down a bit further.
  4. For the second layer, use Braineater Azure with a bit of Fenrisian Grey mixed in, going to about halfway down the wolf.
  5. For the third layer, use Ice Yellow with a bit of Fenrisian Grey mixed in, going down towards the belly, but making sure to leave the lower reaches white.

Refine Coat

  1. Add a thin layer of Space Wolves Grey over the model. Don't allow too much to pool, except perhaps in the mane/tail area. Go lightly on the lower reaches of the wolf.
  2. Next, stiple another layer on to the top of the wolf with a mix of Hull Red to darken the previous Bloodfest Crimson area.
  3. Mix in a small amount of Black into the Hull Red and stiple an even smaller layer on the top of the wolf.
  4. Drybrush Fenrisian Grey , focusing on the mane, tail, rib cage, skin flaps, and face.
  5. Add another thin layer of Space Wolves Grey to darken and smooth the upper reaches of the wolf.
  6. Wait for everything to dry.
  7. Drybrush Fenrisian Grey onto the mane, face, and upper reaches of the wolf.
  8. Drybrush Pale Grey Blue onto the mane, face, and upper reaches of the wolf.
  9. If necessary, tidy up with Space Wolves Grey again.

Wounds and Bones

  1. Basecoat each exposed wound with Ivory .
  2. Add a thinned layer or two of Bloodfest Crimson to each wound.
  3. Use a wash of Red Black on each exposed muscle area.
  4. Basecoat each exposed bone, skull, claws, and teeth with a mix of Ivory and Pale Grey Blue .
  5. Use Skeleton Horde on each exposed bones. On the teeth, concentrate the coloration towards the root of the teeth and leave the lower reaches whiter.
  6. Use the Ivory and Pale Grey Blue mix to highlight/drybrush the exposed bones.
  7. Use Skeleton Horde on the edges of the bone as they recess into the skin.
  8. Use a mix of Flesh Tearers Red , Shyish Purple , Basilicanum Grey , and Lahmian Medium to make a thin, dark red-purple mix. Use this on the edges of skin around all the exposed wounds to darken them. You can use this around the lips of the wolf as well.
  9. On larger exposed areas of bone such as the skull, thin a mix of Ivory and Ice Yellow and highlight the upper reaches of the skull.
  10. Use more Skeleton Horde towards the edges of the skull to darken it.


  1. Basecoat each eye with White .
  2. Use Sky Blue around the edges of eyes where a glow from the eyes would shine.
  3. Use Akhelian Green in the eye sockets to darken them, leaving the actual eye white.
  4. Use Electric Blue in the sockets as well to darken them.
  5. On the actual eye, use Scale75 Pisces Cyan to add a fluorescent dot of blue on the eye.
  6. Finish the eye with a small dot of White .


  1. Use a mix of Black , Bloodfest Crimson , and Dried Blood . Stiple this on the mouth and any major exposed areas you want to add extra blood too.
  2. Use a small amount of Fresh Blood on the mouth.
  3. Mix some UHU glue with the blackened-red mixture. Use a toothpick to add it to the mouth and exposed wounds, creating strands if desired. This dries quickly so you need to work somewhat quickly.
Citadel Painting System 8
Layer 1
  • Fenrisian Grey
Technical 1
  • Lahmian Medium
Contrast 6
  • Akhelian Green
  • Basilicanum Grey
  • Flesh Tearers Red
  • Shyish Purple
  • Skeleton Horde
  • Space Wolves Grey
Scale75 Scalecolor 3
Fantasy & Games 2
  • SFG-11 Bloodfest Crimson
  • SFG-12 Braineater Azure
FX Fluor 1
  • SFX-04 Electric Blue
Secret Weapon Miniatures
Wash 1
  • Red Black
Vallejo Game Color
Special effect 2
  • 72.132 Fresh Blood
  • 72.133 Dried Blood
Vallejo Model Color
Base 7
  • 70.858 Ice Yellow
  • 70.907 Pale Grey Blue
  • 70.918 Ivory
  • 70.950 Black
  • 70.951 White
  • 70.961 Sky Blue
  • 70.985 Hull Red
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