Zombie Dragon

  • Written by
  • Published
    25 Nov 2022
  • Updated
    04 Feb 2025
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  1. Start with a zenithal highlight across the entire model.


  1. Thin down Akhelian Green and wash over all exposed skin/scales of the model. You want it tinted but not completely saturated.
  2. Next, thin down Shyish Purple and go over all exposed skin/scales. You should end up with a fairly dark purple-black-green skin tone, with deeper areas appearing darker areas and more protruding areas coming almost to the Akhelian Green color.
  3. Dry brush the textured scales with Jade to pop the edges out.
  4. Add a small amount of Bright Ivory to the Jade and do a second light dry brush on the upper regions to pop them even higher.
  5. Using pure Jade , use a brush and manually select areas that need to be brought up further or highlighted, such as areas around the eyes and mouth, edges around exposed musculature, etc.
  6. Using pure Shyish Purple , use a brush and manually shade or darken areas that need to be brought down, such as eye sockets, under belly areas, wing crevices, etc.

Exposed Muscle

  1. Re-base the exposed muscle area with Bright Ivory or White if it needs it.
  2. Add a thinned layer(s) of Bloodfest Crimson to the wound.
  3. Wash the musculature with a mix of Red Black , Inktense Red , and Inktense Black to darken the muscle lines.
  4. For prominent muscles, lighten them with Hastur Purple .


  1. Start underlaying some tones with Arabic Shadow stippled onto the edges of the wings.
  2. Stiple Iroko as you get closer to the center of the wings.
  3. After the stippling has dried, dry brush with Pale Skin to catch the edges and bring them up.
  4. Wash the wings with Soft Tone to bring out some definition to the wings.
  5. Re-drybrush with Pale Skin again to re-define all the edges.
  6. With the wings toned, you can start using something like Ochre 1 or Ochre 2 to pick out small areas on the wings to highlight.

Bone and Claws

  1. Base coat each bone with Bright Ivory to ensure it has solid coverage.
  2. Glaze Ochre 1 , Ochre 2 , and Ochre 3 towards the tip of the horns/claws, covering less of the horn each time.
  3. Towards the very edge, use Aggaros Dunes and then Cygor Brown as the final glazes.
  4. Repeat each glaze for bigger horns to smooth the transitions between the colors.
  5. At the tip of the horn, consider a very small amount of Black or near-black to complete the transition.
  6. For any cuts or ridges, define the scratch with Cygor Brown and highlight the edge with Ochre 1 or Pale Skin .
  7. You can create your own nicks or cuts with a sharp line of Indian Shadow and a highglight of Pale Skin .
  8. For the spikes on the back, you can use a coat of Terradon Turquoise to make them near-black-green spikes as a change of pace from all the bones.


  1. Basecoat the armor with Black Metal .
  2. Highlight the edges and upper portions of armor with Thrash Metal .
  3. Wait for the previous layer to dry. Mix Kunzite Alchemy and Ruby Alchemy in a 1:1 mix and apply it thinly over the entire metal surface to tint it.
  4. Wait for the previous layer to dry. Tint the metal further using Red Glaze thinly across the surface.
  5. Use Carroburg Crimson as a wash to darken the metal down slightly, define any crevices, and blackline the edges of the armor.
  6. Finally, come back in with Thrash Metal and highlight any raised edges with a metallic tint again.

Armor Trim

  1. Basecoat with Viking Gold .
  2. Highlight the edges with Elven Gold .
  3. Darken cracks with Carroburg Crimson ? or Agrax Earthshade .
  4. Could also consider Tourmaline Alchemy to bring it into the red spectrum and unify it with the metallic armor, or Emerald Alchemy to push it into a cooler greenish spectrum with the skin.

Leather Seat/Straps

  1. Basecoat the area with Orange Leather .
  2. Wet blend the lower side of the saddle with Red Leather and blending it back into the Orange Leather . It doesn't have to be perfect since it is going to be a textured surface.
  3. Make some scratches and stippling with Bright Ivory .
  4. Glaze Orange Leather over the scratches.
  5. Make more scratches and then glaze over them again.
  6. Stipple some Snakebite Leather onto a few flat areas and let it dry.
Citadel Painting System 8
Shade 2
  • Agrax Earthshade
  • Carroburg Crimson
Contrast 6
  • Aggaros Dunes
  • Akhelian Green
  • Cygor Brown
  • Shyish Purple
  • Snakebite Leather
  • Terradon Turquoise
Monument Creature Caster Pro Acryl
Base 2
  • 021 Jade
  • 022 Bright Ivory
Scale75 Scalecolor 20
Scalecolor 8
  • SC-00 Black
  • SC-01 White
  • SC-17 Pale Skin
  • SC-22 Arabic Shadow
  • SC-23 Indian Shadow
  • SC-27 Iroko
  • SC-28 Orange Leather
  • SC-30 Red Leather
Metal n' Alchemy 8
  • SC-63 Black Metal
  • SC-64 Thrash Metal
  • SC-69 Emerald Alchemy
  • SC-72 Viking Gold
  • SC-74 Elven Gold
  • SC-76 Tourmaline Alchemy
  • SC-77 Kunzite Alchemy
  • SC-90 Ruby Alchemy
Inktensity 2
  • SC-79 Inktense Black
  • SC-85 Inktense Red
Fantasy & Games 2
  • SFG-02 Hastur Purple
  • SFG-11 Bloodfest Crimson
Secret Weapon Miniatures
Wash 1
  • Red Black
The Army Painter Warpaints
Quickshade 1
  • Soft Tone
WarColours 4
Layer 3
  • Ochre 1
  • Ochre 2
  • Ochre 3
Glaze 1
  • Red Glaze
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