Tarmac road

  • Written by
  • Published
    16 Mar 2023
  • Updated
    04 Feb 2025
  • Shareable URL
  1. Ak8013 Asphalt
  2. Get some 3mm cork sheet and break off a price to form the rough edge of the asphalt. Use white glue to stick it to the base. Remove excess glue with a spatula.
  3. With AK8013 Asphalt past, cover the cork surface. Use a spatula extend the surface to make it as flat as possible. Moistest the spatula to remove marks. Finish the edges of the cork with paste diluted in water with a brush
  4. AK8021 Terrains Light earth: spread on the earth bit with a hard brush. Blend the edges of the tarmac in with paste diluted in water.
    Add small stones and grit in a random patter while wet. Fix by patting them in.
    After letting it partially dry, tap with a sponge to gain roughness.
  5. Add small grit in small amounts on the tarmac. Fix them with water and white glue blended 60:40.
  6. Mask off the road edge marking
  7. Airbrush the shoulder stripe with Titanium White thinned. Dry and remove tape
  8. Add shades and depth with a wash of Industrial Earth thinned south white spirit. Apply to Tarmac. And earth
  9. Add depth to the boundaries terrains stones and potholes with Sepia thinned with white spirit

Commissar Harris


Painting and gaming on and off for 35 years. Still not learnt a damn thing