Tutorial Video

Davion Guards

  • Written by
  • Published
    18 May 2024
  • Updated
    04 Feb 2025
  • Shareable URL


Model Preparation

  1. Remove mould lines with scrapers and p400 to P600 to P800 abrasives
  2. Drill any auto cannon Barrels
  3. Use a micro burr to drill out compensator holes
  4. Wash in warm soapy water to remove release agents and oils from the mould process

Metallics layer

  1. Airbrush an undercoat of Mr Hobby Aqueous Black Surface preparation 1000
  2. Airbrush the. Cockpit canopy SMS colour shift Sunset CN03
  3. Mask off the canopy with small squares of TAMIYA masking tape
  4. airbrush all gun barrels, grills, vents, exposed actuators with SMS Metallic Steel PMT006
  5. Mask off the steel parts with small squares of TAMIYA masking tape
  6. To simulate heat distortion on the barrels airbrush Ammo, Mig Jimenez, Blueish Titanium A.MIG-0193
    on the tip of the barrel
  7. Mask off the laser barrels and remove mask from auto cannon.
  8. Airbrush the auto cannon barrel with Smoke
  9. Mask off all remaining metallic areas


  1. Airbrush the areas to have Davion Guards piping with SMS Premium White PL02
  2. Mask the pinstripes where the white pinstripes will be
  3. Airbrush the white areas with SMS premium Red PL03
  4. Mask off the Red pinstripe
  5. Airbrush the undercoat Mr Hobby Aqueous Black Surface preparation 1000
  6. Airbrush panel center with Mr Hobby Mr Colour pthalo cyanno blue C322
  7. Airbrush panel center Mr Hobby Mr Colour Gundam colour MS Blue UG02
  8. Airbrush tops of panels as a highlight with a mix of Mr Hobby Mr Colour Cobalt Blue C80
    + Mr Hobby Mr Colour Flat white C62
  9. Airbrush previous mix + Mr Hobby Mr Colour Flat white C62
    as a highlight on the uppermost panel edges
  10. Remove pinstripe masking

Detailing and pinwash

  1. Paint details with Dark Grey
  2. Airbrush the whole model with SMS premium Clear Gloss PL09
  3. Add Decals to taste
  4. airbrush the whole model with SMS premium Clear Gloss PL09
  5. Pinwash the whole model with Ammo, by Mig Jimenez, Enamel wash, Black Wash, A.MIG-1011
  6. Use a cotton bud moistened with enamel thinners to wipe away the tide marks
  7. Airbrush the whole model with TAMIYA colour acrylic Flat Clear XF-86

Commissar Harris


Painting and gaming on and off for 35 years. Still not learnt a damn thing