WIP Tutorial

Free worlds guards

  • Written by
  • Published
    18 May 2024
  • Updated
    04 Feb 2025
  • Shareable URL


Model preparation

  1. Remove mould lines
  2. Wash in detergent to remove mould release and oil. This will help paint adhere to the model surface.

Painting the first layer

  1. Base coat in Mr Hobby Mr Surfacer 1200
  2. Spray cockpit in Copper
  3. Mask the cockpit with small squares of masking tape

Purple Armour

  1. Airbrush the entire model Mr Hobby Aqueous Hobby Color Black H2
  2. Airbrush the model to pick out the purple areas in Purple
  3. Airbrush panel centers Blue Violet
  4. Mask off the bits which will remain purple
  5. Seal the mask with Microscale Industries Liquid Micromask

White armour

  1. Airbrush entire model with Mr hobby Aqueous hobby colour neutral grey H53
  2. Airbrush center panels with Mr Hobby Aqueous hobby colour Off White h21
  3. With an airbrush, highlight the top edges of the panels with Mr Hobby Aqueous hobby colour White h1
  4. Remove masking for purple armour panels


  1. Airbrush SMS premium Clear Gloss PL09
  2. Add decals to taste
  3. airbrush SMS premium clear gloss PL09
  4. Pinwash the purple areas with TAMIYA panel Line accent black
  5. Swab areas gently with a cotton bud moistened with Enamel thinners to remove the tide marks left by the enamel accent black
  6. Pinwash the white armour with Ammo, Mig Jimenez PLW, blue grey A.MIG-1613
  7. Swab the white armour gently with a cotton bud moistened with enamel thinners to remove the tide marks left by the enamel
  8. Airbrush TAMIYA colour acrylic Flat Clear XF-86


  1. Pick out details with a brush using Ammo, Mig Jimenez, Polished Metal A.MIG-0192
  2. Highlight the metal with a brush using Ammo, Mig Jimenez, metallic lacquer Gun Metal A.MIG-0045
  3. Wash the Metallics with Ammo, by Mig Jimenez, Enamel wash, Black Wash, A.MIG-1011
  4. Swab the metallics with a cotton buds moistened with enamel thinners to remove tide marks
  5. Edge highlight the purple armour by Drybrush with a mix of Blue Violet with a small amount of White
  6. Highlight the metallics with Ammo, Mig Jimenez, Steel A.MIG-0191
  7. Pick out medium lasers with Mr Hobby Aqueous hobby colour clear green h94
  8. Pick out details with Scarlet Red
  9. Darken barrels with Black


  1. CA glue some stones to the base
  2. White glue watered down
  3. Basing scenic material woodlands scenic as blended turf, earth blend
  4. Basing wood land scenic fine turf, yellow grass
  5. Add tufts woodland scenic foliage light green
  6. Repack the base rim with Black

Commissar Harris


Painting and gaming on and off for 35 years. Still not learnt a damn thing

AK Interactive 3rd Generation Acrylics 5
Standard 3
  • AK11070 Blue Violet
  • AK11073 Purple
  • AK11087 Scarlet Red
Intense 2
  • AK11001 White
  • AK11029 Black
Acrylic flat 1
  • XF-6 Copper
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