My revised method of painting camo on my Tome Keepers Eliminators and snipers. This gives a much cleaner result than my previous guide.
- Basecoat with Rhinox Hide .
- Block in some patches of colour with Mournfang Brown . I like to Google reference photos to make the pattern look authentic.
- Repeat, this time applying roughly the same amount of patches with Black .
- Complete the pattern with some small patches of Tallarn Sand .
- Shade the recesses on the cape. For the light browns, I used Rhinox Hide . For the rest, I used Abaddon Black .
- Edge highlight everything with Gorthor Brown .
- Selectively edge highlight with Baneblade Brown .
- Finish with very small Screaming Skull . I stuck to sharp corners, the apex of upward facing curves and edges that ran through Tallarn Sand patches.
Aspiring miniature painter and biscuit enthusiast. Here to share my hobby and help where I can.