Green Cloak

Green Cloak

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  • Published
    17 Jul 2019
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A nice green cloak that uses purple for the shadow and yellow for the highlight.

  1. Prime the your model. I used zenithal priming to get an idea of where to place highlights and shadow.
  2. Basecoat the cloak with several thin coats of Castellan Green .
  3. Using a 50/50 mix of Castellan Green and Naggaroth Night , paint the recesses in the cloak.
  4. Mix a bit of Abaddon Black into your mix of Castellan Green and Naggaroth Night , thinning it down with water or Lahmian Medium to make a glaze. Apply this in the darkest recesses to deepen the shadow.
  5. Use a 50/50 mix of Castellan Green and Averland Sunset and apply to the top parts of the cloak where the light would catch it. Remember to brush towards where you want the highlight to go.
  6. Add a bit of White Scar to your mix of Castellan Green and Averland Sunset to apply a brighter highlight. Use Lahmian Medium to make a glaze of this mix to help blend the transition of the two highlights.

Wellforged Gaming


Miniature painter based out of Newton, KS.

Citadel Painting System 6
Base 4
  • Abaddon Black
  • Averland Sunset
  • Castellan Green
  • Naggaroth Night
Layer 1
  • White Scar
Technical 1
  • Lahmian Medium
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