Quick Iron Golem scheme

Quick Iron Golem scheme

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  • Published
    06 Sep 2019
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My scheme to get bashed up Irom Golems ready quickly using a mix of contrast and layer paints. I went with black painted armour using Black Templar, but any dark-ish contrast could be added to distinguish your band.

  1. Undercoat with Wraithbone .
  2. Base coat all metal areas with Leadbelcher , brass areas (coins, faceplates) with Balthasar Gold and any gold (armour details) with Retributor Armour .
  3. Hit the entire skin with Fyreslayer Flesh (thinned down with Contrast Medium as desired). Optionally, some thinned down Volupus Pink can be painted over studs and spikes in the skin.
  4. Paint weapon grips with Thunderhawk Blue
  5. Hit chainmail, bare metal, and weapon grips with a wash of Nuln Oil then all of the bare metal, brass, and gold with a generous Agrax Earthshade wash.
  6. Use Black Templar for all of the painted armour (the chest and back plates, shields, helmet, shinplates, etc.). This is a great place to use whatever colour you want to distinguish your warband, just substitute the appropriate contrast paint.
  7. Use Sycorax Bronze to highlight the brass and Skullcrusher Brass to highlight the gold. If you want, use Fenrisian Grey to highlight the weapon grips, but often the shade will be enough.
  8. Use Stormhost Silver to highlight pretty much everything. Edge highlight all the bare metal, brass, and gold, then use a brush with a good tip and thinned down paint to do scratches across all the bare metal and painted armour. Also pick out any studs in their flesh that weren't covered with Leadbelcher earlier.
  9. Use some thinned down Typhus Corrosion on the bare feet to represent dirt.
  10. Optionally, apply Blood For The Blood God in streaks to the weapon. Best used sparingly, but the Iron Golems benefit from a brutal, bashed-up look.
Citadel Painting System 17
Base 3
  • Balthasar Gold
  • Leadbelcher
  • Retributor Armour
Shade 2
  • Agrax Earthshade
  • Nuln Oil
Layer 5
  • Fenrisian Grey
  • Skullcrusher Brass
  • Stormhost Silver
  • Sycorax Bronze
  • Thunderhawk Blue
Technical 3
  • Blood For The Blood God
  • Contrast Medium
  • Typhus Corrosion
Spray 1
  • Wraithbone
Contrast 3
  • Black Templar
  • Fyreslayer Flesh
  • Volupus Pink
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