Found 2010 recipes
Here is I how I tend to paint anything that looks like metal painted black on my miniatures. I prefer to use a slightly cooler colour palette, as I think it looks more interesting.
I painted this base as part of a general miniature basing video. If you want any additional information or advice on basing in general, please check out the YouTube channel linked from my profile.
Here is how I paint pale sandstone. I find this recipe gives a nice neutral tone that works well for bases, and doesn't detract from the mini.
I painted this base as part of a general miniature basing video. If you want any additional information or advice on basing in general, please check out the YouTube channel linked from my profile.
A quick guide showing how I paint my urban themed bases. For those of you that are interested, I have a guide to making them on my Instagram.
I painted this base as part of a general miniature basing video. If you want any additional information or advice on basing in general, please check out the YouTube channel linked from my profile.
A test base I did for a potential Adeptus Mechanicus Kill Team. If you switch up the colours, it could easily be amended for different colours of marble.
Some quick and easy red bases for your miniatures. I tried to keep the colour quite desaturated, so it doesn't draw attention from your model.
I wanted something special for my Adeptus Arbites Extraction Squad Kill Team and was fascinated by those on the official artwork. This could also be used for Megacity bases or any urban/road environment.
Here is how I painted my metallic floored bases. The Imperial Navy Breachers would always be in some kind of ship (in my mind) so it seemed natural to do something like this for them.
Quick and easy base perfect for a red planet/Mars theme. Actual paints don't matter too much, as long as they're red and grey, as it's the pigments that do all the work!
Quick and easy, perfect for a wasteland on a dead planet. I use this on my Tyranids to represent a world where they have consumed all the biomass leaving only a dead husk behind.
Recipe credit to RobPaintsModels
Credit to 'The Apathetic Fish Miniatures' -
A quick and simple way to texture your bases in a swamp / toxic waste style
Here is how I paint the unifying weapon colour on my Deathwatch veterans for Kill Team.
The bases for my Drukhari army